reviewing year 2011

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I experienced a lot this year. Growing up. Lots of good and sweet memories I had this year. But bitter and sour memories do also have. But all these memories make me stronger and who I am today.

Life is like taking up lessons in class. Each completed lesson will let you learn something. Take it as a challenge. Life is a big LEsson to take. Happy that everyone of us have completed almost quarter of our lesson and more lessons to take. Have the courage to take up lesson. Never give up. Each lesson makes you strong. No matter how hard the lesson is, remember you do not face it alone, friends and families is still with you.

Whatever you lose during the lesson, don't be sad. Appreciate it. Your lost make you understand and appreciate what you have now. If life is just of gaining things, you would not appreciate what you gain. Losing things make you aware of how much you have gain.

Never always live in the past. What is done cannot be undone. So, live for this minute. We can't take hold of things in the future but we can take hold of our life living in this moment. So live happily. Life is short and everything just happen once. So do not waste time in things that are not worthy. Remember, every minute that you have now is the minute of your life where it just could not rewind. So, live happily.

God is always fair. Once he closes one door, he will open another door for you. Still, it is your effort to discover this door. Never always grumble of your life. You still have the chance to change your life to a better one. It is you should be responsible for your life. If you think your life is miserable, it is you who make it miserable. Why want to make things miserable for yourself? Change your attitude and your thoughts. Discover the kindness of human. Discover the positive side of the world.

Anyway, wish all my friends who are having exams--- GOOD LUCK AND GAMBATEH.. it may be a tough year to go. But live it in a HAPPY WAY...