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Date 9 sept 2010

OH MY! I m seriously gonna break my brain if i kept thinking of my CSP- some sort of project regarding cloning. Its group work. But, the process seems too complicated. We were left to do the project without any guidelines of what to do.

We are totally clueless about what to include in our report. HELP ME!!!!

I was in-charge of isolation of gene. The question that stop me from proceeding is whether i want to have direct isolation from human cells( which i totally no idea how to do that, isolate cells, then centrifuge to get mRNA) or i should just get it from the cDNA library and continue my cloning process.

I wonder how... anybody can HELP HELP me...... 1st time feel so lost in my work. Last time, if I dont know, at least still can produce my work. But now, i feel like I can just stay on the same spot and do nothing.

I NEED GUIDANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Molecular biologist!!! I NEED ONE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!